Monday, October 31, 2011

The wait is almost over!

Only 4 more days until Moving Day!!! Eek! Sooooo excited! Saturday I planned on picking up new bedroom furniture and having the mattress delivered. Turned out to be the worst day to do this weather-wise. First snow of the October?! Yikes. So not ready for this.
Lulu and I were very appreciative of this. We got to stay in the car with the heat on & snuggled under a blanket ;)
Furniture picked out and cleverly loaded into my little car, we headed to the new house. Every time I show up there, something new has been done to the house. It is VERY exciting. Not so funny story: My Lulu is NOT a fan of having wet feet. She's in for a rude awakening this winter. We're not in Florida anymore Babe! So not five minutes after I had her outside, we're standing around talking with the new landlord, aka Mr. J. and I smell this wicked stench. Dear God please don't let it be what I think it is. Turning around, yep, less than a foot behind me is the foulest turd ever. #mostembarassingmoment....thankfully he was a good sport about it. We then proceed to unload the million and one boxes the bed and bureau came the rain/snow/sleet mixture. Delightful I tell you. I ran out to pick up some things, food included, while the boy got to work....
Lulu stayed to supervise.
oooh and I also got to take a fun trip back to Ikea to pick up the mid-beam that "someone" forgot ;) I'm not sure how.....
Now when I tell you that he REALLY loves doing this stuff, I'm not lying. It's true. He even said it. Unfortunately you can't really get that feeling from this picture.
The finished products:
I helped with the bureau a little bit and only had to re-do something once :) Success! I am EXTREMELY thankful for my boy's help. It probably would have taken me three days, one bottle of ibuprofen, and a couple bottles of wine to reduce my blood pressure if I had had to do it on my own. XOXO

1 comment:

Betsy0525 said...

So happy for you Jacki.. Nothing like your own space.. Love your blogs.. keep writting them ..But don't foget us here in Florida.. We want you to visit us.. !!!:)