Change (v.): to become different; to become altered or modified
I've always had an aversion to this word. It scares me. One of the reasons I like accounting/finance is because its black & white. Clear as day. Now I know some change can be a good thing, but some people just go a little crazy with it. Since I've been back I've seen a lot of this...more in some than others. People grow up- I get that. It's life. Things happen. Some have grown into better, stronger people, some have gone through experiences that makes life simply more difficult, and then there's the very select few that seemingly have not changed a bit.
Changing in a positive way is the least scary kind to me. I can accept this more easily. But if it goes in the opposite direction things get crazy. To this I say: Be true to yourself. Don't let anyone or anything change what is not already broken. Don't get caught up in life, greed, and relationships to the point where you are no longer human.
"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves..."
On a positive note, we welcomed two babies into the world this week! Congratulations on the birth of these little boys. May the changes you experience be ones that bring extreme happiness.
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