Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I like my butt whoopin's with a kick...

The latest JM workout arrived on my doorstep today!!! Eeeppp!

Woop! Woop! I was seriously excited. The last few workouts of Ripped I was actually beginning to get a little bored. Don't get me wrong, it was still kickin my @$$, I was just bored of the moves. Enter Extreme Shed & Shred. This workout infuses kickboxing, yoga, Jiu-Jitsu, cardio, and strength training. One of the main reasons I like JM's videos is because the moves are simple, yet effective. To be honest, can I put this...I almost completely lack hand/leg/foot/arm-eye coordination. It's a wonder I can put one foot in front of the other without falling on my face. (I may stumble a bit, but I don't fall down) So this workout was going to be a real challenge. 

There are three options: Level 1 (30 min), Level 2 (30 min), or Level 1 & 2 combined. She recommends doing 1&2 straight through...I however know better  then that when starting one of her new workouts. As I expected, it was awesome. The warm-up seemed extra long, probably because the workout was longer than the Ripped 20 min. I loved all the different moves, but definitely struggled through the kickboxing parts. I'll get it with practice (maybe). 

I huffed and puffed, felt muscles I didn't know I had....
But I lived to write this blog ;)  Muscles willing I'll be trying out Level 2 tomorrow before proceeding to the 1&2 combo.

I'm off to bed! It's been a fun few days, but I have some serious beauty sleep to catch up on.


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